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Pioneer 2019 Contest Results

Published on 6/27/2019
Since the NAR went to the NRC style competition we really don't have points to report any more. This shows the results and relative scoring.

Pioneer 2019 Standings

C Egg Lofting Altitude

Place Contestant Number Section Flight 1 Flight 2 Total Points
C Division
1 Bell, Bruce 20636 523 212
212 1244
2 Mecklenburg, Al 65738 523 146
146 746

1/2A Helicopter Duration

Place Contestant Number Section Flight 1 Flight 2 Total Points
C Division
1 Bell, Bruce 20636 523 76
76 1313
-- Mecklenburg, Al 65738 523 DQ
0 0
T Division
2 Team, Pod Bay Doors T-201 523 54
54 788

1/2A Streamer Duration

Place Contestant Number Section Flight 1 Flight 2 Total Points
C Division
1 Redd, Randall 6333 523 SEP 59 59 553
2 Bell, Bruce 20636 523 43
43 332
T Division
3 Team, Pod Bay Doors T-201 523 40
40 221

1/4A Parachute Duration

Place Contestant Number Section Flight 1 Flight 2 Total Points
C Division
1 Bell, Bruce 20636 523 116
116 484
2 Mecklenburg, Al 65738 523 37
37 290
-- Redd, Randall 6333 523 DQ
0 0

A Boost Glider Duration

Place Contestant Number Section Flight 1 Flight 2 Total Points
T Division
-- Team, Pod Bay Doors T-201 523 73
73 0

1/2A Boost Glider Duration

Place Contestant Number Section Flight 1 Flight 2 Total Points
C Division
1 Bell, Bruce 20636 523 62 92 154 1175
2 Mecklenburg, Al 65738 523 23
23 705

1/4A Helicopter Duration

Place Contestant Number Section Flight 1 Flight 2 Total Points
T Division
-- Team, Pod Bay Doors T-201 523 12 16 28 0

B Egg Lofting Duration

Place Contestant Number Section Flight 1 Flight 2 Total Points
T Division
-- Team, Pod Bay Doors T-201 523 16 50 50 0

B Payload

Place Contestant Number Section Flight 1 Flight 2 Total Points
T Division
-- Team, Pod Bay Doors T-201 523 203 222 222 0