Events - Event View
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About this event
This launch will be held as a 2 day event. You are invited to camp out at the launch site with us!
This launch will be held as a Tripoli launch under the Tripoli Unified Safety Code. You must be a current/active member of either Tripoli Rocketry Association (TRA) or the Renew or Join at
Kids 18 and under can fly Model Rockets with the direct supervision of an adult that is a Tripoli or NAR member and a current member of UROC. You can find more details about this here.
Registration cost for this event is included in your membership in UROC. There will be no additional costs to attend.
As always, we will need help running the launch, RSO, LCO, pad managers and lots of help setting up and tearing down the range. We do have a Porta Potty ordered for this launch. Set up is expected to begin around 8:00 am and we will fly into the early afternoon or until the wind gets to be too strong and if the weather permits. If the weather conditions for the upcoming launch deteriorate or if the fire hazard becomes too high, we will try to notify everyone via our normal modes including the website and facebook.
No "Sparky" motors of any kind will be allowed!
Registration Info
Registration is not Required