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UROC 2018 Schedule Announced

Published on 2/21/2018
The Utah Rocket Club's official schedule is set and is available on the website for your viewing pleasure. Among the changes from last year, the club has reduced the number of member meetings in favor of quality over quantity. While the club does have some very good presentations throughout the year at meetings, if a specific presentation is not planned the meetings are very administrative and not very interesting to the general membership. So, some of the monthly meetings have been deemed administrative and will be for the officers and board members to plan activities and address issues.

Members are still more than welcome to attend but should not feel obligated to do so. An additional launch date after HellFire has been added to the schedule and an additional Sport Competition has been added to the first half of the year. There will be additional workshops, contests and other events added to the calendar as they are confirmed. We hope that these changes to the club's activity schedule continue to improve the overall enjoyment of our members.