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Tripoli Unveils Revised High Power and Research Safety Codes

Published on 2/24/2018
Tripoli Rocketry Association would like to announce the approval by the Board of Directors of new versions of the Tripoli High Power Rocketry Safety Code, the Tripoli Research Safety Code, and the Tripoli Safe Launch Practices. 

Some changes were simple corrections to the current versions of the codes and one change was made to reflect a future change to NFPA 1127 with respect to simultaneously launching three or more high power rockets. The most significant changes were made to clarify who may be on the range and where and when they may be there. The requirements within NFPA 1127 section 4.16 are very clear on the matter, spectators remain in the spectator area at all times and no persons should be at the high power pads while any firing circuits are armed unless they are necessary to the arming and disarming operations or if they are safety personnel designated by the RSO. We just needed to make sure that anybody reading and using our safety codes would be provided with a clear set of rules that would be compliant with our interpretation of NFPA 1127.

Also, we wanted to make sure that this didn’t become a point of confusion or conflict between the NAR and Tripoli. So, for the past few months Tripoli Rocketry Association and the National Association of Rocketry have communicated as the Tripoli Board of Directors ironed out the final details of our safety codes. As a result the NAR will also be issuing a similar announcement about upcoming changes to their HPR safety code.
Revised copies of the safety code are available for download from the Tripoli Website.

Steve Shannon
Tripoli Rocketry Association Inc