![Cert Line at April 2019 Launch](//images.clubexpress.com/591702/graphics/DSC_0354_1100495853.jpg)
The much awaited, long overdue first launch of 2019 took place on Saturday, April 13th. The event was a great success and was the largest certification event UROC has held to date.
We had over 70 cars at the peak of the day at the event. Assuming at least 2 people per car we can assume that we had over 150 people attending the launch. Part of the high attendance was because of the Brigham Young University Rocket Club attending in preparation for their upcoming national competitions. Many of their members were required to gain their level 1 or level 2 certifications to participate.
Utah State University's Rocket Club was also in attendance and in addition to several excellent flights and certifications they helped out with RSO and LCO duties throughout the day.
Throughout the launch Jed Marti (UROC's NAR Advisor) also had to do double duty in handling not only the NAR certifications but the Tripoli certs as well. Jed reported the following results:
NAR: Level I Pass:25, Fail:3
NAR: Level II Pass:3, Fail:2
NAR: Level II Exams: 2 pass, 0 fail.
TRA: Level I Pass:3, Fail:0
TRA: Level II Exam, 1:pass
Total of 34 Certification flights with a 9% failure rate.
Additionally, Jed put together some stats for the launches Saturday...
As you can see, this was a busy day. Special thanks go to Jed Marti for taking care of all of these certs as well as the rest of the team that helped get all these rockets in the air. Michelle Baker manned the LCO table for the entire launch. That's a long day!
We had a line for a good chunk of the day and several suggestions have been put forth on ways that we can reduce this line going forward. As always we'd love your feedback and suggestions. The forums on UROC.org are an excellent place to discuss ideas and suggestions on how to improve launches.