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Special Presentation at October Member's Meeting

Published on 10/10/2019
We have a special presentation at the October member's meeting (October 14).

Members will know Riley Meik, he has flown with UROC as a member of the BYU team and is one of the co-founders of a new local suborbital launch provider; Sugarhouse Aerospace. Riley and other representatives from the company will be at Monday’s meeting to tell us about their company, its mission, their future plans and about their most recent motor test firing. They will tell us a little about why the cheapest cost to launch an item into space has been around $30,000 and Sugarhouse Aerospace says they can do it starting at $1,000!

This should be a very interesting presentation and not one to miss if you are at all interested in rocketry and the future low cost access to space.

We will also have updated regarding upcoming UROC events, LDRS planning and our usual Show and Tell (bring your stuff, and your questions).

We hope to see you there!