Due to our current Stay Home/Stay Safe requirements in the state of Utah. The April meeting of the Utah Rocket Club is going to be virtual.
All active members of UROC will receive a separate email with the link and information to join our Zoom teleconference. You will be able to be part of the meeting from the safety of your home isolation station.
In addition to the April meeting being virtual, we will also be doing something a little different.

Recently, Mitch Adamson’s daughter contacted us. It turned out that Mitch had a storage shed located here in Salt Lake that had some of his stuff. Of course, that means rockets. We all know Mitch’s passion for rocketry, he helped and supported a ton of folks with the hobby over the years, and his daughter felt like Mitch would want that to continue.
Most of what we found were rockets of his design and construction and some rocket building supplies. We have gathered those up and will have them available for you to claim during the meeting. We will then make arrangements for you to pick them up in a safe, contact-free method. Please note, we will not be shipping any of this material. If you want it, you’ll need to pick it up. Most of the content is things like:
· High power tubing
· High power nose cones
· Rockets
· Fin material
· Other building material
· Photographic equipment
· Other miscellaneous items
We won’t be asking money for any of this stuff. We are just trying to honor his daughter’s wishes and get it into the hands of people that will use it.
Additionally, we will be discussing plans for launches in the upcoming months
· Current status of LDRS 39
· News in the hobby
· Anything else you’d like to discuss.
This will be our first try at something like this, so, please be patient and hope for the best!