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LDRS 39 Postponed to 2021

Neal E Baker | Published on 5/11/2020

Dear Rocketry Community: 

The Utah Rocket Club (UROC) LDRS 39 organizing committee held a Zoom meeting recently. The purpose of the meeting was to review the current and projected status of COVID-19 as it relates to UROC conducting a successful LDRS 39 launch.

With country-wide layoffs and furloughs, the income of a significant portion of rocketeers will most likely be impacted by the COVID-19 Pandemic. Even if safety restrictions are relaxed, the committee believes that many of the hopeful registrants may not be able to afford the costs of travel and registration for the trip to Bonneville. It is more likely that flyers will attend local and regional launches for the remainder of 2020, and that's assuming local launches can be safely organized.

After much listening, discussion, careful consideration, UROC has made the difficult decision to postpone LDRS 39 until 2021. Given the reality of COVID-19 and the unknown impacts on a large launch like LDRS, UROC believes this is the correct decision. The health and well-being of rocketry participants, spectators, and staff is our top priority.

With a unanimous vote, the Tripoli Board of Directors supports this decision and has graciously agreed to allow UROC to host LDRS in 2021. At this time, UROC believes the dates will be Thursday, July 29 through Sunday, August 1, 2021.

Some of you who already registered for LDRS 39 may need that money now more than ever. Anyone who has paid for registration (including shirts and banquet tickets) can receive a full refund upon request. Send a request to with your name and phone number, and someone from UROC will be in touch promptly.

You also have the option of keeping your registration, (including shirts and banquet), and volunteer slots on file for LDRS 39, 2021.

Any registrant that reserved a room at the event hotel should cancel their reservations. There's no cancellation fee, but you must cancel through the hotel. Please note, you may have to call several times or leave messages as the hotels and casinos in Wendover are currently shuttered. UROC will provide new hotel information as the new dates approach. The event hotel may change for next year's event.

The LDRS 39 Committee will contact any vendor who has already committed prizes or goods directly. UROC will work with vendors regarding how they would like the committee to proceed with their donations.

UROC is grateful to Tripoli for allowing us the opportunity to host LDRS 39 and share the Salt Flats with our rocketry community!

Please stay safe and fly high (if you can).  See you in 2021! 

The Utah Rocket Club