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Neal E Baker | Published on 6/12/2020
A RED FLAG WARNING was issued this morning for our launch site and surrounding areas.

View Red Flag Alert

Here is how this will be going down... 

Currently, the Red Flag warning is in effect for Saturday we will most likely not be flying. The schedule is that the weather and Red Flag will lift at 9:00pm Saturday night. If this holds true, we will be flying on Sunday. 

A group of us will be out at the launch site tomorrow (Saturday) anyway to slowly set things up and to monitor the weather and to talk. Additionally, we will have two vendors on-site to buy motors and kits from! So, come out, even if you can't fly, there is good stuff to be had. 

Both Das Rocket  (Tim Boschert) and Fusion Rocket (Scott Binder) will be at the launch site. 

Stop by, say hi to everyone, camp if you like, and buy stuff. Support the folks that support us.
Keep fingers crossed for Sunday, there are lots of flights to happen!

This launch will be held under the Tripoli Research rules. Only members of UROC are allowed to participate in the launch. If you are not a member you can sign up online  or at the launch.
This launch is planned to be held as a two-day event. We have permission from the BLM for overnight camping at the launch site. We invite members to camp out Saturday evening and take advantage of the great weather early on Sunday as well.   Fire Danger is VERY HIGH so no camp fires are allowed.

We will begin set up on Saturday early, around 8:00 a.m., and will commence flying as soon as we are ready. So, the faster we set up, the sooner you can fly.

There will be a porta-potty on-site, please make sure to add a little to the "Dotty Potty Fund" at the registration table if you can. The weather should be partly cloudy, temperatures in the mid to upper 70s with winds in the 10mph - 13mph range throughout the days.

Because of the conditions imposed by the state and county health departments, we will have some special rules and procedures to avoid transmitting the Covid-19 virus from one person to another. Please read below:

Important Notes Regarding COVID-19  READ

Everyone: This one is pretty simple if you don't feel well, fever, nausea, cough, sore throat, anything that feels like a cold, STAY HOME!

Everyone:  We will have a form for you to complete. If you are not comfortable providing your name, address, and phone number, please don't come to the launch. This form will be filled out by everyone, not just flyers.

Everyone: A 6-foot distance must be maintained between household groups at all times, including while seated, which means EZ Ups will need to be at least 6 feet from each other. All attendees will stay at their prep/camp areas and maintain safe, social distancing. 

Everyone: Please be sure to bring hand sanitizer, wipes to use before and after handling the items at the launch site.  Everyone in your party should also have a mask with them at all times. It's not necessary to wear it unless a safe social distance is not able to be maintained. For those people that are being awesome by helping us set up and tear down the range, make sure that you have a mask, work gloves, and sanitize when completed.

Everyone: If you use the potty, please wipe or spray any contact surfaces. When you finish, leave the door open to allow the air movement to disperse the air within the potty.

Range Safety Officer: The RSO check line will maintain a distance of 6ft between people waiting. Flight cards will be filled out by the RSO during check-in. No flight cards or clipboards allowed to allow for contactless flying. Check-in is Q&A while maintaining a 6ft distance. The RSO will direct flyers to the Pad Manager, one at a time, to load rockets.  A parent with a child will be considered one flyer for purposes of setting up and launch.

Pad Manager: The Pad Manager will allow flyers to load their rocket. The Pad Manager may ask the flyer to load it for them. In case of contact, the Pad Manager will use hand sanitizer between the loading of each rocket. Only the Pad Manager will touch the launch controller to check continuity and Arm/Safe the controller.

Launch Control Officer: The LCO will not contact flyers or rockets, and 6ft distance will be maintained. Only the LCO will launch rockets so that no one else will touch the launch console.

Please understand that we are working under strict guidelines provided to us, you can expect the launch times and queues to be longer than they usually are. Be patient with everyone. Anyone complaining, arguing, or not abiding about our processes may be invited to leave the launch.

June Launch - 6/13/2020

Frank Hunt Field