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UROC's 2021 Officer Announced

Neal E Baker | Published on 11/10/2020
We are excited to announce that on November 9, 2020, the new officers for 2021 were elected. The turnout was good, with over 35 people in attendance via the Zoom meeting. Thanks to all of UROC’s members who attended the meeting and participated in this election. 

Following the officer election, a second election took place for a new Tripoli Utah Prefect. 
The elected Officers for the current 2021 year are:

President – Paul Joyce
Vice Presidents – Jason Farnsworth
Treasurer – Robert Hansen (will continue to serve in this capacity)
Secretary – Dave Hill
Tripoli Utah Prefect – Kip Daugirdas

The full list of current Officers and Directors is on the UROC website. ( and will be reflected to how these new officers over the coming month.

Special thanks to Bryan Mogensen, Robert Hansen, Jason Farnsworth, and Jim Yehle for their hard work during this strange year. Thanks to all of the volunteers that have given their time and effort to this organization.

Over the next few weeks, the departing officers will be working with the newly elected officers to provide them with the tools they need to ensure a smooth transition. (I know that is weird to say about an election, right?)

The first member’s meeting with the new officers will be on Monday, January 9. 
More details will follow. 

Wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday season