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A Quick Note - UROC Family

Paul Joyce | Published on 12/31/2020

Hello UROC Family,

I hope this note finds all of you extremely well.

Well, it’s the last day of the year, and what a year it’s been.  2020 has proven to be quite difficult, challenging, and unique for all of us.  It certainly hasn’t been a great year for launching rockets if nothing else!

As I reflect back on the year, I wanted to again extend my thanks and gratitude to the UROC Board, Officers, and NAR/Tripoli representatives who made it as good as it possibly could have been.  I also want to thank all of you, the members, that make the sport so much fun and hung in there with us.

I am ready to get 2020 behind us though and am optimistic that we’ll get back to launching some rockets in 2021.  I’m excited to take on a new challenge being President of UROC and can tell you all the Officers are excited to serve you in 2021.  Even more, I look forward to spending some time with you all out in the desert or on the salt. 

We have been working to get everything moved over and set up for the changes we’ll see in the club.  We will hold our first members meeting on Jan 11, 2021.  This meeting will be virtual and over Zoom.  I will have the calendar all set up soon with all the details.

I wish everyone a Very Happy and Safe rest of your Holidays. 

See you next year!

