UROC Family,
It's that time of year. Elections!!! :-)
We will hold our elections this year during the November 14th, 2022 Members Meeting Zoom Call.
Open for election are the following:
Vice President
If you are interested in one of these roles/positions, I'd love to hear from you and get you on the ballot!
In addition, we have leadership that supports the clubs connectivity to Tripoli and NAR. (Note: these positions are not open for elections but we'd love to hear from you if you're willing to fill these positions)
Tripoli Prefect
Tripoli TAP's
NAR Advisor
Please reach out to me, Paul Joyce, directly at president@uroc.org before 11/11/22 and let me know your interests. If you have any questions at all about the role, please don't hesitate to ask.
Your membership in UROC must be current to run or vote for any of these positions.